In the month of February to take respite from the hectic life training in academy I took four days leave and left to see the land of corbet. From my graduation days I had several imaginations of the Corbet forests from Jim Corbet's books. First day, I went to Sitabani, which is around 30 km away from Ramnagar. This is a very remote religious place. No village is found in the 5 km radius of this place. People believe that sage Valmiki's ashram had existed in place where the forest guest house is existing today. When Britishers constructed the guest house the Valmiki's temple was shifted to the adjoining hill peak. Down the guest house there exists a Sita temple where devotees come to worship everyday. In this place it is said that Sita raised her both son Lav and Kush. From the guest house the view of the Sal jungle, Chahad sooth river and the Himalayas in the backdrop is mesmerizing. The jungle is teeming with the great variety of birds and wildlife. In this part of the country one can still see the jungle descriptions that Jim Corbet speaks in his book.

Sitabani guest house, where Valmiki's aashram was believed to have existed.

Goddess Sita with Lav and Kush on the lap.. In this place Lav and Kush was believed to have brought up after Lakshmana left sita in this jungle

Moon behind leaves when taken in slow shutter speed from the guest house...

Picturesque view of chahad river valley, sal jungle and himalaya in the back (from the guest house).

Sal Jungleof Sitabani...

view from sitabani guest house...

chital fawn crossing Chahad sooth river in sitabani

Common Krait..
Drive to Corbet National Park
After two days in Sitabani I left to see the Corbet National park. The landscape beauty of corbet is one of the best in India. One can see all the description of Jim Corbet books descrition of the hide out of Sulthana, robin hood of India; the sal jungle; the vast expanse of tall grassland and the tigers.

Jim corbet, after who the Corbet National park is named.